MS treatment described by one of the best neurologists doctor in Dubai
MS is a diagnosis of exclusion. The diagnosis is based on clinical expertise and involves obtaining evidence from a clinical examination, medical history, laboratory tests, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain and spinal cord. These tests are intended to gather data consistent with MS, while ruling out other possible causes not consistent with the disease.
MRI Scans Are Helpful!
Despite the lack of a diagnostic test for MS, MRI scans are increasingly recognized as essential non-invasive tools for initial investigation of suspected disease. MRI scans show high sensitivity for detection of focal white matter lesions in the CNS and specifically for lesions disseminated in time and space. Dissemination in space is fulfilled by the presence of 1 or more lesions in 2 of 4 characteristic anatomic locations, while dissemination in time is demonstrated by simultaneous presence of gadolinium (Gd) enhancing and Gd non-enhancing lesions at follow-up MRI examination.
Common Symptoms
Gray matter lesions are decrease progression, and to prevent/minimize neuronal damage. The localization and severity of MS lesions within the brain and spinal cord are unpredictable and, therefore, a wide range of body systems can be adversely affected to varying degrees. Consequently, MS is associated with a host of symptoms and co morbidities that can negatively impact activities of daily living and QoL. Common symptomatic problems associated with MS include bladder dysfunction (various subtypes), bowel dysfunction (various subtypes), cognitive dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, depression, fatigue, gait disturbances, pain (various subtypes), and spasticity.
Treating multiple sclerosis treatmentin Dubai
Clinical Management Of MSThe clinical management of MS should be considered as 3 distinct parallel pathways.
- Relapses (acute exacerbations) should be treated with appropriate therapies.
- Symptomatic problems associated with MS should be managed with additional medications to prevent and/or treat complications and to preserve quality of life (QoL)
- Disease-modifying therapies should be used to decrease the number and severity of relapses, to pharmacokinetic ally to intravenous methylprednisolone; definitive studies are lacking. Alternatives to corticosteroids, such as plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin, should be considered for patients who do not respond or who are not considered viable candidates for corticosteroid therapy.
Disease-modifying therapies (also called DMTs, disease-modifying medications or disease-modifying treatments) are a key component of comprehensive MS care, along with managing MS relapses (also called exacerbations, relapses or clinical attacks), treating symptoms, and paying attention to your overall health and wellness. Diseasemodifying medications are the best strategy currently available to slow the natural course of MS. Even though these medications don’t generally make you feel better, they can be looked upon as an investment in your future. Since 1992, the field of multiple sclerosis has been characterized by significant advances. Fourteen branded products, of varying levels of safety and efficacy, have been approved and are now routinely prescribed. Although these agents decrease progression and/or disability in patients with MS, it is important to note that none of them completely eliminates disease progression and disability.
Clinical overview- Video electroencephalogram in Dubai, helps to decide which treatment options are best for you.
- Nerve Conduction Study in Dubai, is highly sensitive in differentiating axon loss from demyelination.
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- ADHD treatment in Dubai is required in low birth weight; exposure to cigarette smoke, alcohol, herbicides, or pesticides as a fetus in the womb; and exposure to toxic substances in the environment such as lead from old paint after birth.
Desc: MS diagnosis is based on clinical evidences that include clinical examination, medical history, laboratory tests, and MRI scans of the brain & spinal cord. Click here to read.