Best Treatment of Vertigo
Vertigo is a symptom and not a disease by itself, just as fever is not a disease per se, but may be a manifestation of an innumerably vast array of underlying disorders. Another misconception that needs clarification is that dizziness and vertigo are interchangeable terms. These are neither the same symptoms, nor are caused by same disorders. Dizziness is nonspecific; it may result from a disorder of almost any organ system. So one should consider best doctor for vertigo treatment.
Vertigo is an illusion, an intense spinning or rotatory sensation of surroundings, lasting from a brief to long duration depending on the basic cause, usually associated with nausea or vomiting, sweating and imbalance. It is better that one should treat it with natural treatment for vertigo.
Depending on the location of origin, within the nervous system, best treatment of vertigo is divided into two major categories, either central or peripheral. Only a trained neurologist can distinguish one from the other. There are myriad physical signs that help the neurologist reach a distinction between the two.
Central vertigo is usually indicative of some serious diseases, the commonest being a brain stroke. The other potentially life-threatening cause of central vertigo is a cerebellar hemorrhage that could cause severe brain swelling and eventual fatality. Some brain tumors like vestibular schwannoma, glioma of brainstem or cerebellum and cysts may also be the underlying causes of a central vertigo. Therefore, a vertigo should always be evaluated properly and not be dismissed as a form of dizziness.
Peripheral vertigo originates in the inner ear. Vestibular organ is an extension of vestibular nerve, responsible for stereo-sensory orientation of our body in relation to the exterior. It generates signals by utilizing hydroelectric energy that is created by movement of a fluid inside the spatially oriented canals of vestibular organ across very tiny crystals that line the inner side of these canals. These signals are then transmitted along the vestibular nerve to the brain for analysis and perception of position of our body in space around us. When any of these crystals, otoliths fall accidentally into the canal, the resulting turbulence sends chaotic signals to the brain and thereby creating the symptom of vertigo.
The hearing organ, cochlea is also an extension of acoustic nerve and is lodged in the inner ear. The disorders affecting cochlea can also cause vertigo like Meniere’s disease. However, hearing is always affected in cochlear diseases.
By far the commonest cause of vertigo is Benign paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The prevalence of BPPV is approximately 50 per 100000 people and about 75% of all the vertigo cases. BPPV is caused by dislodgement of a crystal from the inner lining of any of the three vestibular canals.
BPPV is usually by Epley maneuver. Epley comprise a series of manipulations that leads to repositioning of the displaced crystals. This maneuver leads to a dramatic mitigation of vertigo. Additionally, some antihistaminic that act like vestibular sedatives are also prescribed for symptomatic relief. These medications should not be used for a prolonged period as that would lead to vestibular addiction and like any other addictive substance when withdrawn might lead to a relapse in vertigo. So a person should also rely on home treatment for vertigo as they are free from any side effect.