Receive the best treatment for numbness from an expert neurologist
When there is a partial or complete loss of sensation or feeling in any section of our body, the condition is referred to as numbness. Very severe cases of numbness can lead to complications such as the patient is unable to experience any sensation of pain. In case you are experiencing numbness without any obvious cause, it is time to consult with an experienced neurologist.
Start early treatment to get quick relief
The numbness can affect legs, arms, feet, fingers and other parts of the body. The occurrence of numbness is an indication that some problem is present with the nerves. In very severe cases, the patients claim that they are unaware of what is happening to parts of their body during numbness. There is a possibility that the patients are unable to sense the vibration as well. Numbness can also trigger issues with coordination and balance. The ability of walking normally and driving can get affected due to numbness. Get the best numbness treatment in Dubai through an experienced neurologist to get quick relief.
What are the possible causes of the numbness?
There can be various reasons that could result in the numbness. Generally, any problem with one or more nerves is held responsible. A damaged nerve is likely to interfere with the body’s ability to feel sensations in a normal way. There are many factors that can cause numbness such as:
- Neuropathic pain
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Collapsed backbone
- Herniated or ruptured disc
- Nerve compression syndromes
- Stroke
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Multiple sclerosis
- Kidney diseases
- Seizures
- Migraines
- Injury to nerves, brain cord and spinal cord
Some miscellaneous reasons can also result in numbness such as the vitamin B deficiency, consumption of certain medicine, insect or animal bite, sitting or standing in the same position for a very long time, exposure to toxic elements, etc. Consult with the best neurologist doctor in Dubai and quickly begin the treatment.
Diagnosing the numbness
There are many methods through which the neurologist will diagnose your numbness. The medical history of the patient is examined, a physical exam can be conducted in which reflexes and muscle functions are tested. The neurologist can also ask you to describe numbness in your words. When does the numbness start? How quickly does the numbness begin? After engaging in what type of activity, the numbness begins? Such questions are asked to the patient. If you are suffering from any other symptoms, then it is important to share the same with the neurologist. Experts such as Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma can provide the best treatment for the numbness.
With the help of different types of tests such as the blood test and imaging test, the deformities can be easily detected. The imaging tests allow the doctors and neurologists to check signs of multiple sclerosis, stroke and brain disorders. The neurologists can ask the patient to undergo imaging tests such as CT scans of the head and spine, MRI scans of the head and spine, X-rays, ultrasound of neck blood vessels, vascular ultrasound, etc. After examining the patient, the neurologist creates a treatment plan considering the overall health of the patient.